harki - tradução para Inglês
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harki - tradução para Inglês

  • 1961}}
  • A young Harki, [[French Algeria]]. {{circa}} 1961.

n. Algerian soldier loyal to the French



Harki (adjective from the Arabic harka, standard Arabic haraka حركة, "war party" or "movement", i.e., a group of volunteers, especially soldiers) is the generic term for native Muslim Algerian who served as auxiliaries in the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence from 1954 to 1962. The word sometimes applies to all Algerian Muslims (thus including civilians) who supported French Algeria during the war. The motives for enlisting were mixed. They are regarded as traitors in independent Algeria and thousands were killed after the war in reprisals despite the Évian Accords ceasefire and amnesty stipulations.

In France the term can apply to Franco-musulmans rapatriés (repatriated French Muslims) living in the country since 1962 - and to their metropolitan-born descendants. In this sense, the term Harki refers to a social group - a fraction of the French Muslims from Algeria - as distinct from other French of Algerian origin, or from Algerians living in France.

Paris wanted to avoid their massive resettlement in France. Early arrivals were interned in remote detainee camps and were victimized by endemic racism. By 2012, however, 800,000 Harkis, Pied-Noirs and their descendants over the age of 18 lived in France. French President Jacques Chirac established 25 September 2001 as the Day of National Recognition for the Harkis. On 14 April 2012, President Nicolas Sarkozy recognized France's "historical responsibility" in abandoning Harki French Muslim veterans at the time of the war.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para harki
1. Aujourdhui, il faut distinguer le chahid du harki.
2. Ainsi, la dépouille d‘un Français, ancien harki, venue de Normandie pour être inhumée dans sa terre natale des Aurès a été refoulée au printemps dernier.
3. Parmi les femmes qui ont témoigné, il y a une fille de chahid qui est femme de harki et m';re de chahid.
4. Réagissant aux déclarations ŕ Oran du président Bouteflika au sujet des enfants de harkis, Fatima Lancou–Besnaci, présidente de lAssociation harkis, droits de lhomme et fille de harki, nous affirme : " Tout geste de paix, de justice me va droit au cśur, mais ce qui me semble incroyable en tant que fille de harki, cest que je ne savais pas que jétais interdite daller en Algérie.
5. N‘est–il pas temps que les vivants comprennent que cette guerre les traverse tous, qu‘ils ont tous du fellaga et du harki, de l‘immigré ou de l‘émigré en eux ? Que des convergences s‘affirment à partir de mémoires partagées ? Que les millions de passeurs de rives obtiennent enfin d‘être reconnus comme des fruits de cette histoire ? (1) Editions Cosmopole, 2002.